Finance Department
  • Finance Department

General Manager Hellao !Naruseb
General Manager
Manager Gaudensia Mukena
Manager -Finance
The aims and objectives of the Finance department are to:
  • Keep and maintain Council’s current sound financial position for both the long and short term.
  • Apply credit control policies which maximize collection in order to ensure sufficient cash flow.
  • Ensure that Council’s assets are adequately insured.
  • Compilation of annual budget and financial statements.
Finance department

The main purpose of this department is to manage the financial affairs of Council by formulating the vision of Council into policies and ensuring these are executed in a sound and professional manner. The department consists of the following divisions/sections:

1. Revenue Management and Customer Service

Management and control of Council’s revenue collection, customer service and water meter reading.

Finance department
2. Banking

Manages and controls Council‘s bank accounts, handles direct banking, proof of payment, and customer queries.

3. Accounts Payable

Responsible for payment of creditors, sundry payments, contractual creditors, and controlling Council’s value-added tax, as well as handling the Insurance portfolio.

4. Stores

Procurement of assets, goods, and services in line with Council’s policy and effective stock control.

Finance department
5. Administration and Properties

- Manage and maintain valuation roll, issue clearance certificates, process and mail consumer accounts.
- Manage outstanding consumer accounts and collect bad debts according to Council’s policies.
- Coordinate debt management, water connections/disconnections, and liaise with attorneys for collections.

Finance department